860-337-4850 Trees@ArborActive.co

Project Overview: ArborActive was brought on to find several feature trees to add to a landscape in Thompson, CT. We took care of sourcing, delivering, installing, and providing aftercare for a new weeping birch, weeping willow, and Hawthorne for our client, picking plants and varieties well suited for their new home.

Location: Thompson, Connecticut

Date Completed: June, 2024

Team on Job:

  • Gregg Corso – Certified Arborist

Tree/Plant Species:

  • Weeping Birch Betula pendula ‘Youngii’
  • Weeping Willow Salix spp.
  • Winter King Hawthorne Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’

Project Details: Planting is more than just digging a hole and placing a tree in it. Choosing the right species and variety for the site, carefully delivering the trees, preparing the root ball, and proper care after planting are all part of an ArborActive planting job.

New trees planted by ArborActive

Key Services Provided:

  • Tree Planting in Thompson

Interested in learning more about our tree care services? Contact us today for a free consultation!

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