860-337-4850 Trees@ArborActive.co

Tree & Shrub Pruning

Pruning is an essential part of tree and shrub care from early in a plants life to into it’s ma. One of the most often overlooked practices is structural pruning, which is essential for the healthy development of young trees.

In their natural forest habitats, trees grow straight and shed lower branches due to limited sunlight. However, when planted in open landscapes, many tree species tend to develop multiple stems or leaders, which are more prone to breaking. Additionally, lower branches often grow at the same rate as the central leader, leading to weak attachments that can fail as the tree matures.

Early and proper care, including structural pruning, is crucial for establishing a strong framework that will support future growth. This technique involves making strategic cuts to maintain a single dominant stem, unless a multi-stemmed growth is desired. Branches are pruned to ensure they remain proportional to the trunk, and some are removed to maintain adequate spacing between permanent scaffold limbs. This approach preserves the natural shape and open-grown form typical of the species, ensuring the tree’s long-term health and stability.

Pruning Gallery

Flowering Dogwood Pruning in Putnam, CT

Project Overview: This flowering dogwood in Putnam, CT needed some pruning to make clearance over the driveway and front walkway. While we were working on the tree we removed deadwood, reduced the weight on branch ends, and exposed the unique stem structure. Have a...

Redbud Pruning in Thompson, CT

Project Overview: ArborActive was hired to perform this Redbud pruning in Thompson, CT. This young tree has grown quickly and was starting to outgrow in space. While we did some reduction, we also addressed the trees form and some structural concerns to promote strong...

Eastern Redbud Pruning In Auburn, MA

Project Overview: ArborActive was contacted to improve the aesthetics and form of the Eastern Redbud in Auburn, Massachusetts. The tree had been trimmed occasionally, though needed some structural pruning and thinning to help improve its natural form. The owner was...

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