860-337-4850 Trees@ArborActive.co

Project Overview: ArborActive was contacted to perform brush and vegetation management in Brookfield, MA at a lake house. Invasive species had grown in the gardens, planting beds, and up fences and trees.

Location: Brookfield, MA

Date Completed: June, 2024

Team on Job:

  • Gregg Corso – Certified Arborist

Tree/Plant Species:

  • Poison Ivy
  • Oriental Bittersweet
  • Multi-Flora Rose
  • Winged Euonymous
  • Japanese Barberry

Project Details: Invasive species grow quickly and can easily take over the landscape. Bittersweet can weave its way through fences and become a maintenance nightmare. ArborActive not only cuts brush and unwanted vegetation but knows how to keep invasive plants at bay with treatment options.

Brush and Vegetation Management Before and After
Brush and Vegetation Management Before and After

Key Services Provided:

  • Brush and Vegetation Management in Brookfield, MA

Interested in learning more about our brush and vegetation management services? Contact us today for a free consultation!

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